couple gets their first dog!

 Couple Gets Their First Dog

I had gone for the nicest walk while my boyfriend took a nap, and when I came home I thought of a great idea! I ran over to the couch, and shook my boyfriend awake. "babe, babe, I had the best idea! We should get a dog!" I said excitedly. "ok baby we can get a dog." I was so happy I squealed and imediately went online to look for puppies! I was scrolling for awhile, when I eventually found one! I showed my boyfriend, "aww he's perfect baby" I told the shelter that we wanted him, and went to go pick him up! He was a little french bulldog puppy, black and white fur, and had a little pink on his nose! When we got to the shelter, it was love at first sight! He snuggled right up to me, "I love you already" I said to our new fur baby. I handed him off to my boyfriend, who also was in awe of our little guy. "what should we name him?" We both thought about it, and decided on Cyrus. We got our little guy a new collar, food, a bed, all the essentials for a pup. Then we finally brought him home! After our first week with Cyrus, he was the joy of our lives! And one night while we were laying in bed, Cyrus was in between us sleeping soundly. I turn to look at my boyfriend, and said "I'm so happy we did this" my boyfriend kissed my head and whispered "me too my love" We both kissed each other goodnight, then kissed Cyrus. Our little family went to sleep, ready for another fun day tomorrow. 

The. End. 


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