

Summary: So this is just a short one shot about how much Charlie loves Nick's heart!

On a Saturday afternoon, the school week behind them. Charlie and Nick were laying down in Nick's bed, Charlie had his head on Nick's chest. Charlie loved the sound of Nick's heart, it was very soothing and strong. He loved how caring, understanding, and loving his boyfriend was. He was willing to help anyone who needed it. As Charlie melted into the feeling of Nick softly running his fingers through his hair, he looked up to see his boyfriend's beautiful face. Everything about him was perfect, Charlie constantly wondered how he got so lucky. Nick could feel Charlie looking at him, and looked down at Charlie with a sweet little smile. "hey babe, what's up?" Nick asked staring directly into his boyfriend's eyes. "I was just thinking about how much I love your heart." Charlie said innocently. "oh really? why?" "you're so sweet, kind, caring, and loving. Honestly your heart is one of my favourite things about you." This made Nick a little emotional, he pulled Charlie closer to him. "thank you babe, and for what it's worth I love your heart too." So going back to where they were, Charlie with his head on Nick's chest listening to that beautiful heart of his, smiling to himself at how wonderful his life is with Nick by his side. 


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