The Pet

 The Pet

Xanthous and Elrik thought they had everything they could ever want. They had each other, great friends, a wonderful little girl, and jobs that are so fulfilling. But what if they added one thing that could make their lives just a little bit better than they already were? It was a beautiful day in the fairy kingdom, the sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky. The temperature was warm but comfortable, and people were out enjoying some outside activities. Further down the way, husbands Xanthous and Elrik were in the park with their daughter Cassandra. They were watching her swing on the swing set, seeing how high she could go. "It's such a beautiful day, it's nice to get some fresh air and have a little fun." Xanthous said still watching their daughter intently. "it certainly is, but Xan you need to relax a little bit. You're watching Cass like a hawk, she's fine." Elrik said to his husband trying to get him to calm down. "I know, I'm sorry. I just don't want her to get hurt, she's our little girl and I just have this urge to protect her." Xanthous said looking at his husband with little tears in his eyes. "oh Xan I do too, but we can't coddle her to death either. She needs to learn how to do things herself from time to time too." Elrik said putting his arm around his shoulder. Xanthous knew Elrik was right, he would just have to learn to watch her without the worry. As the day wore on, something caught Cassandra's eye while she was on the jungle gym. There was a flash of red and orange as something passed by her head. Curious, Cassandra went to see what the thing was. Her dads were too busy talking to notice she was gone, so off she went in the direction the thing flew off to. At least she thought that's what it did. Cassandra traveled deeper into the woods, until she spotted something in the path way. As she grew closer to the creature, she noticed that it had bright red wings and orange feathers with a little touch of yellow. It was the most beautiful thing Cassandra had ever seen, she wanted to get closer without startling the creature. "hi there, I'm Cassandra. You're very pretty, what are you?" Cassandra asked the creature. The creature thought Cassandra was trustworthy and came over to her. Cassandra held out her hand so it could smell her. When it was close enough for her to get a better look at it, Cassandra realized it was some kind of bird. A little while later, Xanthous noticed how quiet it was considering they were the only ones at the park that day. When he looked in the direction of the jungle gym he didn't see his little girl, she wasn't on the swings either. Panic started to seep into his chest, and he looked to Elrik with his eyes wide in terror. "Elrik have you seen Cass?" Xanthous asked a little scared. "No, now that you mention it I haven't seen her." They looked at each other with the same terrified expression, and jumped up from the bench. "we have to find her!" They said together and immeditaly started searching for their daughter. "Cassandra!" They yelled trying to call her back. Meanwhile Cassandra was still in the woods cuddling the creature she found, and slowly stroking it's feathers. "I hope my dads will let me keep you, you're so sweet." Cassandra said to the animal in her arms. "Cassandra! Where are you, please come out sweeheart!" Cassandra heard her dads say. "oh that's them, come on I'll introduce them to you." Cassandra ran out of them forest and found her dads looking around the park for her. "Cass there you are! We were worried sick!" Xanthous said as he pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry I scared you and Papa Daddy, but look what I found!" Cassandra said showing her dads her little friend. "wow princess, you found a phenoix." Elrik said looking down at the bird. "what's a phenoix Papa?" Cassandra asked with curious eyes. "a phoenoix is a bird that's made from fire, when a phenoix is born they aren't the most interesting birds. But when a certain time for them comes they turn into ash, then they rise from the ashes as these beautiful fire birds!" Elrik explained to her. "so they have fire powers like Daddy?" She said. "that's right sweetheart." Cassandra loved her little friend even more now, and cuddled it a little tighter. "can we keep it Daddy and Papa? Please!" Cass asked them giving her best baby doll eyes. Xanthous looked at Elrik, and Elrik looked at Xanthous. "well what do you think babe?" Elrik asked his husband. "Cass sure does love it, and she's such a good kid. I don't see why not." Xanthous said smiling down at his little girl, giving her hair a soft stroke. "I think it's a great idea too." Elrik said, bending down to pet the phenoix in his daughter's arms. "what's her name?" Elrik asked Cass, smiling down at her. "it's a girl?" Cass asked with excited eyes. "Yep, I can tell by her tail." Elrik said. "How about Blaze?" Cass suggested. "That sounds perfect princess." Elrik told her. He picked her up, and carried her home with Xanthous in tow. They now had everything they could have ever wanted. Each other, great friends, a wonderful little girl, great jobs, and now a pet phenoix. 

That's it for this story! Hope you like it!

Spread love not hate! 


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