Sick Day

 Sick Day

Saturday mornings were supposed to be bliss. No work, no school, nothing but relaxation and fun. Unfortunately that wasn't the case for Elrik. When he woke up that morning, he didn't feel like himself at all. His head hurt, he had chills, and his stomach was cramping painfully. Xanthous sensed something was wrong when he felt the bed shift. Elrik was sleeping next to Xanthous in his bed because he has nightmares, but whenever Elrik holds him after he feels better. "babe, what's wrong?" Xanthous asked his boyfriend who looked really pale, and flushed.  "I don't feel good." he said as he hunched over with his arms wrapped around his stomach. Suddenly Elrik felt really nauseous and he bolted toward the bathroom to be sick. Xanthous was very concerned and went in after him, as he pushed open the door he saw his poor boyfriend huddled on the floor by the toilet. "oh baby, it's okay I'm here." Xanthous said as he brushed Elrik's hair out of his face. "my stomach hurts really bad Xan." Elrik said weakly. Xanthous's heart was breaking for his sick boyfriend, he knew he must be hurting because Elrik hardly ever got sick. "hey come here, it's okay do you still feel nauseous?" he asked him as he held him close. "yeah, I think I'm gonna be-" Elrik couldn't finish his sentence because his stomach gave an awful lurch, and he threw up for a second time. Feeling helpless, Xanthous rubbed Elrik's back hoping to soothe him that way. Once he was finished, Elrik started to cry at how bad he felt. "oh honey, it's okay it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna help you feel better okay? Let's get you back to bed." Xanthous carried Elrik back to bed, because he was so tired he could barely stand. Once Elrik was settled in bed, Xanthous got him a glass of water and some cinnamon leaves to hopefully help settle his stomach. "I don't want to eat anything, I don't want to be sick again." Elrik said miserably. "I know baby, but hopefully this will help you feel less nauseous." Xanthous slowly fed him the water and the leaves, then laid down next to him and pulled him close. "just try to relax babe, does your stomach still hurt?" Xanthous asked, wanting to help his boyfriend feel better in some way. "yeah, a lot." Elrik said bringing his knees up to his chest. "would it help you feel better if I rubbed your tummy?" Xanthous asked in a caring voice. "that would be great thanks babe, I love you so much." Xanthous smiled at him, and laid down with him gently rubbing his tummy. "I'm sorry you don't feel good babe, maybe some sleep will help you." Xanthous suggested. "I am pretty tired, thanks for taking care of me. Promise me you'll stay with me forever." Elrik said already closing his eyes. Xanthous chuckled softly at how adorable his boyfriend was when he was sick, and gently kissed his forehead. "I promise baby, you're my first and only love. I'm never leaving you ever, I love you so much get some rest." and with that, Elrik fell asleep in the arms of his wonderful boyfriend. Feeling better already.

Aww wasn't that sweet? Elrik does feel better when he wakes up, and thanks Xanthous by kissing him all over and going for a walk by the water. 

I hope you liked this one! 

Until next time, spread love not hate! 😊💙


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